
How Great Bosses Show Appreciation

Last week I posted an article around Horrible Bosses, “People don’t leave bad jobs. They leave bad bosses.” More often than not, it’s not because they are underpaid, rather it’s because they feel undervalued and unappreciated. Once I was coaching someone and he said to me, “they get paid so that should motivate them!” but that’s not enough if you want engaged and productive employees especially during times like these. I am hearing dozen’s of stories of people who have taken a pay cut because they love where they work and their company is doing everything they can to put people before profit (not all mind you).

All great, kind and courageous leaders and bosses know that employees need to feel appreciated.

Nothing works better than appreciation and positive feedback.

In turn, we are social beings and we need social connection to survive. I think the number one thing we all need at work is APPRECIATION. We need to feel valued and cared about at work.

Imagine being part of a business, team and organisation who truly cares about you and appreciates you. Imagine.

Here are some great ways to show appreciation.

  1. Say thank you
  2. Acknowledge their great work
  3. Ask about what they are passionate about outside of work
  4. Thank people in other teams
  5. Encourage everyone to show appreciation
  6. Show acts of service
  7. Buy them a coffee
  8. Send them a thank you card
  9. Send them a lovely email or call them
  10. Send their boss an appreciation email
  11. Make sure they have a voice in meetings and thank them for contributing

Leadership is about action and actions speak louder than words. Be a leader who genuinely cares about employees. Other great phrases that go hand in hand with “Thank You” are:

  •      Great job.
  •      Well done.
  •       I’m sorry.
  •       How can I help you?
  •       What are your thoughts?

Two of the most basic human desires are validation and appreciation — we need to feel like we matter and we are worthy. People want to feel appreciated, respected and included. This is why kindness and courage matter. It takes courage to be kind and focus on appreciating others especially during tough times.

Sometimes it’s the little things we do that counts the most. Not only do under appreciated employees cost more when they (inevitably) leave but they cost a lot more if they stay. (faulty work, poor customer service, reduced productivity)

Choose to see the best in others. Choose to see what makes them amazing. Let them know the amazing things you see. Play to your team’s strengths and everyone wins.

Leadership isn’t easy and I am always here.

Stay Kind. Stay Courageous.

Sonia x


Sonia works one on one with CEO’s of Multi-National organisations and advisory boards to start up enterprise, facilitating in-office workshops with entrepreneurs, emerging leaders and supporting companies and businesses through cultural transformation and positive wide behavioural change.

Sonia’s performance-based approach enables businesses to elevate their brand position. Working within companies, she forges united and loyal teams across divisions, and cultivates pioneering leaders based on a strategic foundation that builds a mindset for success.

Sonia has been a keynote speaker for over a decade and has delivered presentations to a thousands of people all over the world. Renowned for her candid rhetoric, personable insights and fierce business acumen, her presentations and books have transformed how people worldwide conduct themselves as leaders.

Sonia relishes every event that collectively effect a positive mindset for change and growth. 

If you would like to empower your team, event or mentor an emerging leader or entrepreneur. Contact 1300 719 665 or email the team at sonia@soniamcdonald.com.au for a tailored strategy.
