What’s Love Got To Do With It?

You are your greatest asset. It is about leadership and love when I think about my life, who I can be, what I want to stand for, and why I want to make a difference. Yes, love is a big word, and you might think of love as romantic love; however, love is also about […]
What does Courage and Humankind have to do with IWD?

I can’t sleep. I haven’t slept for a few weeks since being asked to speak at several IWD events this week. Why? I have been reading, researching, and developing my keynote, and I have cried and felt disappointed, downright angry, excited, and hopeful. I can’t stop thinking about it. Then, I changed my focus. Courage. WE […]
How We Can Close The Gap

This week, I delivered a women in leadership program, one of my favourites. Why? Having a group of outstanding women in a room sharing, learning, and growing is beyond humbling. In turn, they all have a voice. The vulnerability and courage I see and hear in the room are remarkable. They are my most transformational programs […]
What Courage Looks Like in 2024: Leadership’s New Frontier

Change the Game and Your Habits in 2024

I know without a doubt in 2024 I want different! Why? Your character is built from your habits and habits are more powerful than we think. Even in our leadership work and my keynotes we share the power of leadership and habits. I know the difference and power of empowering habits and mindset. This year […]
Where is Your Focus?

In the past year I have really given myself some space and time to think about what I want for myself. Who do I want to be? What do I want to stand for? Why do I want to lead? What do I want my legacy to be? I know today at 52 (yeah I […]
Our Matildas show leadership on the pitch

It has been nothing short of remarkable to see the Matildas, our national women’s soccer team, participate in the FIFA Women’s World Cup. Their historic efforts kept them in the competition all the way to the semi-finals, the best result for any Australian soccer team ever. The nation was there with the team when they […]
How to Engage and Motivate Your Team – Must Read

10 Ways To Engage Your Team And (More Importantly) Keep Them Engaged! “My Model For Business Is The Beatles. They Were Four Guys Who Kept Each Other’s Kind Of Negative Tendencies In Check. They Balanced Each Other And The Total Was Greater Than The Sum Of The Parts. That’s How I See Business: Great Things […]
12 Rules of Courage

I think we have a Courageous Leadership problem. I recently an article Demystifying Courageous Leadership where it talks about how we live in an era of distortion, not disruption or transformation but distortion. Look at how we are reacting and leading through the coronavirus and the toilet paper debacle. We lead today in a world where there […]
1-2-3: Courage, how to courage and inspire courage

Here are 1 question, 2 quotes and 3 insights from me. Table of Content: 1 Question For You 2 Quotes from Others 3 Insights From Me 1. Own Their Fears Instead Of Waiting For Bravery 2. They Stand Up For What They Believe In, Even If It’s Unpopular 3. They’re Not Afraid To Take Chances […]