My Greatest Achievement

I felt like the worst mother on the planet. It seemed like my world had become this tornado of crazy town where I was juggling all these balls in the air whilst spinning around trying not to drop one of them. I was in the mist of starting a business from a blog whilst being […]
How to Harness the Mighty Power of Self Affirmations

When we talk about self-affirmations, there will always be people who agree that self-affirmations really do work and those who don’t believe in that wishy-washy kind of stuff. I’m in the group that believes that self-affirmations do actually work and can be a way for leaders to become more successful, kind, courageous and empathetic. In […]
Mother’s Day – Courageous Women Are Our World

“To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. Or the climbing, falling colours of a rainbow.” – Maya Angelou “Motherhood is the biggest gamble in the world. It is the glorious life force. It’s huge and scary – it’s an act of infinite optimism.” – Gilda Radner “When you […]
12 Rules of Kindness – Rule 5 – Manners

Rule 5: Manners cost nothing but mean everything Having good manners means acting in a manner that is socially acceptable and respectful to others. In my book First Comes Courage, I highlight the importance of the way we conduct ourselves or, our manner as a leader. I note that Leadership is an attitude, and courage is an […]
12 Rules of Kindness – Rule 3 – One Kind Thing

Rule 3: Do at least one kind thing for yourself or someone else each day Here is a great statement I came across regarding kindness. It is “the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.” I am concerned however about how we are leading today. I am seeing a lack of kindness around the world. […]
12 Rules of Kindness – Rule 2 – Act Selflessly

Rule 2: Act selflessly, not selfishly Guess what leaders, and everyone else for that matter: all eyes are on you! Everyone is watching your words, actions and choices. Are we all really in this together? As human beings we can be selfish especially when we are coming from a place of fear. We can get […]

COURAGE TO STUFF UP “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”― Albert Einstein Have you ever had a major stuff or failing in your life or career. I have had plenty and I completely stuffed this week (basically a big f*ck up!!!). No-one likes making mistakes, failing or stuffing up. I […]
Leadership Starts Young

I recently spoke at the Meridian State College to student leaders about leadership. I highlighted that leadership is an attitude and we need to empower our youth and future leaders with skills in leadership. The presentation was very well received with lots of interesting questions how student leaders can make a difference every day. As […]
Leadership: Why We Love Play-Doh

Have you ever had a great business idea and you either didn’t start it or, went ahead and it failed? You are not alone! However, there have been many businesses who have struggled, failed, reset themselves and then achieved total success. Business is the heart of the economy and strong leadership is needed to survive […]
The Leadership Injection is needed NOW.

What is your vision for your future? Do you refine this very often? Are you able to deliver outcomes faster, with more impact and more care than ever before? As a leader we need to be aware of current situations, future directions and how we can meet arising challenges which are helpful in leadership injection Take time […]