Why Leadership Change Matters and Research to back this!

Why Leadership Change Matters and Research to back this! One of my favourite songs by Black Eyes Peas is GET READY! Are you ready for this – Leadership change Matters…and research backs it! The starting point to any change process is you and how you view yourself as a leader! Once you reflect on where […]
What was one Big Skill Gap for Leaders in 2020?

What was one Big Skill Gap for Leaders in 2020? Communication. Is this a gap for Leaders today? We think so and it was apparent during 2020. Great news – Communication is a skill that can be learnt. How do you communicate? And, do you know the preferred communication style of the people you’re communicating […]
Are you at a Career Crossroads?

Are you at a Career Crossroads? What went through your mind when first choosing a career? And, where are you now in relation to those initial thoughts and choices? Did it all change? These questions are designed to give you some comfort in knowing that things do change and uncertainty is a part of life […]
Leadership: 5 Things Parenthood Taught Me About

No one is ever really 100% prepared for parenthood especially during COVID. You can read hundreds of books and talk to all the parents you know, but until you experience it for yourself, you’ll never fully know what it’s like. Becoming a parent gives you new experiences and teaches you things that are unique to […]
WANTED: LEADERS for a CHANGE in Global Dynamics!

Leaders for a Change: Throughout time, individuals have created change in significant ways, for example Mahatma Gandhi, a leader who brought justice and harmony between people of all faiths. Right now, with the challenges we are facing in Australia and globally with the economy, jobs, sustainability etc., you have an opportunity to make a difference, […]
Adapt, Lead and Connect with your Team for Success

Is your team flying in formation, or heading in unknown directions? Today’s rapidly changing business environment creates high expectations on leaders and teams and any form of misalignment can be disastrous. In military exercises for example, where “live ammunition fire” is used, there is no margin for error as lives could be lost. If you […]
Navigating Crises: Identifying The No. 1 Leader Mistake

Insights to the No. 1 Mistake Leaders Make in a Crisis I’m sure you have had to deal with a crisis at some stage in your life, whether it’s right now, or sometime in the past. A crisis highlights when things aren’t working, then a typical reaction occurs to “just fix it now” and while […]
What working from home can teach us about Leadership?

Remote working is a challenge for leadership! As a leader of a remote team, how did you respond in a Zoom call with a team member being interrupted by barking dogs, children somersaulting in the background? Did you reschedule the call, hand over to someone else, or understood, empathised and engaged at a human level […]
The Appreciation Factor: What Great Bosses Do

How Great Bosses Show Appreciation Last week I posted an article around Horrible Bosses, “People don’t leave bad jobs. They leave bad bosses.” More often than not, it’s not because they are underpaid, rather it’s because they feel undervalued and unappreciated. Once I was coaching someone and he said to me, “they get paid so […]
Insights on To Set Yourself up for a New Perspective

‘Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live.’ – Anne Sweeney, Walt Disney Success. You might be feeling like success isn’t happening for you at present however let me explore how to think about success differently during this time. I know, this is […]