
7 Courageous Conversations You Might Need to Have

laws of courageous leadership - Organisational Development - leadership equality - LeadershipHQ

Following on from my 7 Laws of Courageous Leadership and Courageous Conversations Make You a Better Leader blogs, I decided to delve deeper into Courageous Conversations and put together some examples of these conversations that you, as a leader, should have at work. I’ve stuck with 7 because my ‘7 Laws of…’ blogs are always a hit!   Keep in mind […]

How are Performance, Culture and Leadership Linked?

strategic leadership course - Business Leadership

Each workplace has a culture unique to it. A culture is, essentially, the shared perceptions, values, group norms and objectives/goals within a social unit, and includes how the unit solves problems, justifies themselves and interacts with each other. It can also include physical aspects such as the way an office is laid out or the […]

It’s not just IQ and EQ that effect work performance, what about MQ?

Board Leadership Workshop

Ever had a contract or a role that perfectly suited your skill set and passions and you were also given free rein to make it your own as long as you hit the targets, achieved the deliverables and satisfied the goals of the organisation? How fantastic did that feel? I bet you exceeded expectations, received […]

How your emotions affect others

Mark Bouris Show

Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve been happy or content and someone walks in; a work colleague, your partner, a friend, and they’re just plain angry or upset? The lovely emotions you were surrounded by are gone and you start to feel a little angry or upset for them? Or even with […]

Squashing Those ANTs

Do you have ANTs running freely in your mind? ANTs, or Automatic Negative Thoughts, are dangerous creatures. ANTS are those negative thoughts that always seem to be in the back of your mind, regardless of the situation. ANTs make it impossible to relax and enjoy the moment, because they manage to sniff out the negative […]

15 Leadership Books Every Future Leader Should Read (or anyone actually)

coaching strategies

Jack Nicholson once said, “When you stop learning, I believe you are dead!” One of the things that helps me to conquer the imposter syndrome is my ability to keep it real and tell people that I am a semi-expert.  Having an unquenchable thirst for knowledge makes it possible to learn new things, grow as […]

Qualities of Highly Successful People

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Success is something that all of us wish to attain. But if it were so easy, everyone who wanted it would have it – it’s relative elusiveness is what makes it special. It’s exclusive to a handful of people who did extraordinary things in their lives to get them to where they are today. And […]

5 Tips To Boost Your Productivity

Friday rolls around quite quickly when you are busy but there is a difference between being busy and being productive. Holding a leadership position is difficult enough, but if you fail to dot the I’s and cross the T’s, then it becomes even more challenging. Neuroscience has shown us a lot about how the brain […]

Top Tips for Building Your Brand Identity

If you think you can get away without clear branding today, you need to think again. In the legal profession, it’s becoming more and more important to build a clear brand identity. Your brand is what sets you apart from others in the industry and, importantly, what connects you to your potential client. Table of […]

Board Leadership: Part 1

The ability of to oversee and govern your organisation, define its values, mission, and goals, and also create its culture, comes down to your board’s relative strength. Building a strong board is a difficult task for CEOs, board Chairs, and allied board members, but it is more important than ever. Over the past several years, […]