
Why women need to support women, not compete with them!

leadership course

When power feels like a scarce resource, people will compete with one another to grab what influence they can. Historically, women have perceived that a small amount of power and opportunity are available to us—and that these resources are controlled and granted to us by others. So when some small door of opportunity cracks open, […]

Why our brains are wired to connect – Neuroleadership Summit Blog Part 1 June 2013

Last week I attended the Neuroscience of Leadership Effectiveness Summit in Sydney. Over 200 people from around the world attended to listen to insights and research about Neuroscience and Leadership. This is the first blog post I am going to share from the Summit around why our brains are wired to connect. Matt Liebermann, Professor at the University […]

Why mentoring is important

“I am not a teacher, but an awakener.” ― Robert Frost Many of us were fortunate enough to have mentors as we grew into our leadership roles.  Now it’s our turn to pay forward. The mentor/mentee relationship must spring out of genuine respect and empathy because it’s quite a personal one which thrives on honest […]

Why Innovation is Important for Your Leadership Style

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, ‘A rolling stone gathers no moss.’ In essence, it refers to the concept that a stagnant position quickly becomes useless, unable to move forward when the environment dictates. And in the arena of business, forward progress is key. When faced with change, the past place a leader wants to seek […]

Why Don’t We Have More Women Leaders?

Courageous Leadership Course - women in leadership

It is not that women are not as smart or hard-working as men. It is not even that we don’t have the opportunities to reach the top. The main reason why we do not have more women leaders in our modern world is rooted in ourselves and in our thinking. If we want to change […]

What is your brain doing to you?

Leadership Programs Melbourne - Leadership Skills

Did you miss your target? Perhaps you blew the presentation you so badly wanted to excel at. You’re saying to yourself, “I just couldn’t focus” or “My mind wasn’t in the game.” You’re right. Your mind was not helping you but probably not in the way you mean. You know we all have a conscious […]

What happened to the Bell Curve?

The world isn’t flat, and you won’t catch a cold if you leave the house with wet hair (and I leave the house numerous occasions with wet hair!), and business performance does not follow the Bell Curve. This commonly used statistical tool and recognised performance management strategy has been proven to be a myth, and […]

Using Brainpower in Marketing

Online Leadership Academy

The best and the worst thing about Marketing is that evolves so fast. Today you are on the right track, tomorrow there is some new and better marketing tool to use and yours is already obsolete. However, the great news is that staying on top of the new methods and applying them in your ongoing […]

Unlikely Entrepreneur

group coaching program - poor leadership

I remember standing there in Shanghai, China and my world had just fallen apart. My beautiful and warm apartment was suddenly cold and ugly. I wanted to crawl under a rock. I have left a full-time single mum living in a foreign country and I had no idea what I was going to do next. […]

Unconscious Bias

Although our current society mostly likes to pretend it doesn’t happen and that ‘everyone is equal’ and, therefore, equally important in the team, everyone carries a level of Unconscious bias. It is a bias that we’re not conscious of, and when it does raise its head and make itself known, we either quash it or attempt […]