
The Appreciation Factor: What Great Bosses Do

How Great Bosses Show Appreciation Last week I posted an article around Horrible Bosses, “People don’t leave bad jobs. They leave bad bosses.” More often than not, it’s not because they are underpaid, rather it’s because they feel undervalued and unappreciated. Once I was coaching someone and he said to me, “they get paid so […]

Insights on To Set Yourself up for a New Perspective

‘Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live.’ – Anne Sweeney, Walt Disney Success. You might be feeling like success isn’t happening for you at present however let me explore how to think about success differently during this time. I know, this is […]

Free Leadership Resources & Courses

LET’S BE COURAGEOUS TOGETHER. *puppy isn’t free as I thought such a cute photo… We are committed to inspiring, supporting and helping you all be braver, stronger and better during these times. This is the best time to invest in leadership and your own self development and that of your teams. This is the time […]

Strategies for Dealing with Workplace Jerks

Have you worked with a Jerk? I have! They are real. They are out there. We have worked with them, for them and lead them. For whatever reason provenance has deemed necessary, there will often be that one person in a working environment that no amount of coaching or compassion will breach. These narcissistic jerks […]

Handle Challenging Colleagues with Kindness

courageous leadership - Keynote Speaker

Respond To Difficult Colleagues With Kindness and Mindfulness It’s only natural that when you spend the majority of your week at work, the people there will get on your nerves. Whether someone is sexist, sucks up to the boss or whinges about everything, there’s bound to be someone who annoys you. There could even be […]

Kindness at Work To Revolutionize Your Work Environment

By Sonia McDonald CEO & founder LeadershipHQ & McDonald Inc., Author and Keynote Speaker. When you think of traditional office culture, there are many things that are given importance above being kind. In fact, kindness isn’t even on the radar a lot of the time. Being competitive, confident (almost to the point of being arrogant), […]

Celebrating Kind and Courageous Leadership

When I look at leadership today, it concerns me. It concerns my team, my daughter, my peers and those I care about. At times we can get despondent about leadership and who we see leading our companies, communities and countries especially in the media. In turn, we still see and hear stories of poor leadership, […]

Do You Know What Leadership Legacy You Want to Leave Behind?

Leadership Programs

The first step to answering that question is knowing what exactly a legacy is, and how you can leave one behind. A Leadership Legacy. A legacy is the mark you’ve made on life, that continues to grow and influence others even after you’ve passed on. It means you’ve contributed something to the world that will […]

15 Everyday Acts of Courage: Real-Life Examples of Bravery

Leadership and Management Courses

15 Everyday Acts of Courage There are so many different types and ways to be courageous. My favourite story is one of a young lady who was battling severe anxiety and depression due to bullying at school. She left school at 14 and spent time in and out of hospital for three years. One evening […]

7 Ways to be a Great Leader

keynote speaker

It seems that just about anyone can be given the title of ‘leader’ these days, doesn’t it? But you know what I say about leadership being an attitude, not a title? It’s all too true. Great leaders are not just leaders because of their position, but because of their attitude. These leaders also have other […]