Australia’s Worst Leaders – My New Netflix Show
Would you watch a show called Australia’s Worst Leaders? Something like Gordon Ramsey’s Horrible Hotels or Kitchen Nightmares. You have no idea how much I would love to work with teams and organisations with horrible bosses and terrible leaders and turn them around to be brilliant bosses and legendary leaders! Netflix, we are onto this—watch […]
Our Matildas show leadership on the pitch
It has been nothing short of remarkable to see the Matildas, our national women’s soccer team, participate in the FIFA Women’s World Cup. Their historic efforts kept them in the competition all the way to the semi-finals, the best result for any Australian soccer team ever. The nation was there with the team when they […]
How to Engage and Motivate Your Team – Must Read
10 Ways To Engage Your Team And (More Importantly) Keep Them Engaged! “My Model For Business Is The Beatles. They Were Four Guys Who Kept Each Other’s Kind Of Negative Tendencies In Check. They Balanced Each Other And The Total Was Greater Than The Sum Of The Parts. That’s How I See Business: Great Things […]
Here Are 6 Ways To Start Your Week Off Brilliantly
Do you struggle with Monday’s? Are you thinking about and/or planning for your week ahead? If you are like more people, you can find that start of the week can make feel a little overwhelmed and anxious about the week ahead. As a leadership coach, one of the main things I work on with leaders is […]
12 Rules of Courage
I think we have a Courageous Leadership problem. I recently an article Demystifying Courageous Leadership where it talks about how we live in an era of distortion, not disruption or transformation but distortion. Look at how we are reacting and leading through the coronavirus and the toilet paper debacle. We lead today in a world where there […]
Leadership in Succession
Leadership in Succession Do you ever have time to consider your leadership future with the pace of change, the increased speed of business and technology impacts? It is important that you consider how you might fit into future leadership succession plans in your business, or how you might set up plans for others! The workforce […]
Why Leadership Change NOWDAYS
Why Leadership Must Change NOW This is NOT a dress rehearsal. We are all at a Cross Road, with the economy slowing, productivity sluggish, employment growth and consumer confidence faltering. Many economists are now predicting an extended period of slow economic growth and recovery. And, to top it off “there are significant gaps and weaknesses […]
What was one Big Skill Gap for Leaders in 2020?
What was one Big Skill Gap for Leaders in 2020? Communication. Is this a gap for Leaders today? We think so and it was apparent during 2020. Great news – Communication is a skill that can be learnt. How do you communicate? And, do you know the preferred communication style of the people you’re communicating […]
Take Charge in Shaping the Future of Work
Become a Leader for the Future of Work At this point in time, we are facing huge issues globally – a fragile economy, pandemic and business recovery and the need to reinvent work, to name a few. Brilliant, courageous leadership is required now to reimagine the nature of our work, understand the way we engage with […]
WANTED: LEADERS for a CHANGE in Global Dynamics!
Leaders for a Change: Throughout time, individuals have created change in significant ways, for example Mahatma Gandhi, a leader who brought justice and harmony between people of all faiths. Right now, with the challenges we are facing in Australia and globally with the economy, jobs, sustainability etc., you have an opportunity to make a difference, […]