


I remember going for an interview for a Senior Human Resources role here in Brisbane with a major government department. I was really excited as well as being rather nervous. I thought the interview went great. The CEO was really innovative and dynamic and we got along brilliantly. Then the search consultant called me to […]

Unlikely Entrepreneur

group coaching program - poor leadership

I remember standing there in Shanghai, China and my world had just fallen apart. My beautiful and warm apartment was suddenly cold and ugly. I wanted to crawl under a rock. I have left a full-time single mum living in a foreign country and I had no idea what I was going to do next. […]

The carrot or the stick?

LeadershipHQ - great leadership qualities

For decades organisations have focused on the power of reward and punishment as a way to get their people moving in the right direction.  You’ve probably seen it in action. The rewards: “If you meet the deadline I’ll let shout you lunch,” “Get this done by 2 o’clock and you can knock off early” or “If you do […]

The 250 Most Influential Women Leaders

Richtopia is a digital business magazine that is dedicated to bringing today’s leaders the latest news and interesting stories from the worlds of business, tech, finance and economics as well as providing insights from the world’s most innovative, successful and inspiring people. The platform seeks to be the go-to resource for seekers of valuable knowledge […]

Sweat the Small Stuff in 2016

Women still occupy less than 16% of all board level positions, even though the need for greater gender balance is garnering a lot of attention these days. While setting benchmarks and other goals and developing strategies to recruit more women into the leadership pipeline is a welcome start, if we truly want to increase gender […]

Struggle for Authenticity

Have you ever been in a situation where you were asked for your opinion on something, however in order to be viewed in a certain way, you either amended or hid your true feelings? I think we have all done this to some degree whether subconsciously or otherwise. Why do we do this? The answer […]

Self Awareness Versus Success

What would I tell my younger self? Don’t you think this is a great question? Maybe Party Less? Learn more? Why is it when we leave school or university, we spend so much time and energy trying to be successful? Making our way up the career ladder? I am not painting everyone with the same […]

Purpose Rocks

Tall Poppy Syndrome - leadership attitude

To me, the purpose is everything. It ROCKS! It is the WHY I do what I do. Why do I want to make a difference? Why do I keep getting up every day even when I get those knocks or setbacks? Why do I want to continue to inspire, lead and coach others? My purpose. […]

Utilising the Power Pose in Leadership

Brave Mentoring Program

Utilizing the Power Pose in Leadership Quite bluntly, your body language shapes who you are, from one on one conversations to high end negotiations with potential employees and employers. Having a consciousness of how to match your pose to the situation is a learned skill, but knowing what is actually happening within your body can […]

Power of the Mix

Men and women are different – physically of course this is obvious – but what is not so obvious from first glance is the difference in the brain’s form and function between the two.  As a leader it is important to understand this fact because the power of your team lies in the mix of […]