We’re All in This Together

Yesterday I was the Keynote Speaker for one of my favorite keynotes and workshops around Leadership Attitude. Even though the theme was Balance for Better, I focused for Balance is Better for all of us; together regardless on race, gender, age and so forth and to appreciate the uniqueness and talents of us all. Leadership […]
Sweat the Small Stuff in 2016

Women still occupy less than 16% of all board level positions, even though the need for greater gender balance is garnering a lot of attention these days. While setting benchmarks and other goals and developing strategies to recruit more women into the leadership pipeline is a welcome start, if we truly want to increase gender […]
Patricia Arquette’s Oscar Speech – What’s the Fuss?

At the recent Oscar Awards ceremony, Patricia Arquette won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, for her role in Boyhood. She used her acceptance speech to call for equal pay and equal rights for women across the USA. The audience lapped it up, with prominent actress Meryl Streep seen cheering vigorously. Later, Hilary Clinton said, […]