I Failed as a Mother
*Please note that some of the content in this blog could be confronting. If this impacts you, please seek help (see below, as this is critical) or contact my team at LeadershipHQ. I had failed my daughter. Why? Because I had expectations about what I felt she should be or needed to live a good […]
What’s Love Got To Do With It?
You are your greatest asset. It is about leadership and love when I think about my life, who I can be, what I want to stand for, and why I want to make a difference. Yes, love is a big word, and you might think of love as romantic love; however, love is also about […]
Leadership & Menopause
I wasn’t prepared for this—menopause. Recently, I saw my doctor, and I have been feeling irritable and exhausted. I can’t lose weight and have constant brain fog. I can’t sleep either and seem to lose motivation for my work. What is happening, I thought to myself. Then my team dared to tell me they worried […]
The Good Girl Syndrome
This is me (well, this was, and maybe sometimes, it still is)! How about you? The Good Girl. I remember when I was younger and being asked by my parents to stay the “good girl” often. I feared speaking up or taking risks in case I wasn’t a good girl. Today, I embrace the courageous […]
What does Courage and Humankind have to do with IWD?
I can’t sleep. I haven’t slept for a few weeks since being asked to speak at several IWD events this week. Why? I have been reading, researching, and developing my keynote, and I have cried and felt disappointed, downright angry, excited, and hopeful. I can’t stop thinking about it. Then, I changed my focus. Courage. WE […]
How We Can Close The Gap
This week, I delivered a women in leadership program, one of my favourites. Why? Having a group of outstanding women in a room sharing, learning, and growing is beyond humbling. In turn, they all have a voice. The vulnerability and courage I see and hear in the room are remarkable. They are my most transformational programs […]
Leadership Boundaries and the “No” Word
I wonder if this relates to you? Are boundaries an issue? Do you dislike saying NO? I used to be freakin awful at boundaries. A people pleaser and approval seeking – big time! Over the years I learnt that leadership isn’t a popularity contest and NO is such a great and powerful word. Today boundaries […]
What Courage Looks Like in 2024: Leadership’s New Frontier
Change the Game and Your Habits in 2024
I know without a doubt in 2024 I want different! Why? Your character is built from your habits and habits are more powerful than we think. Even in our leadership work and my keynotes we share the power of leadership and habits. I know the difference and power of empowering habits and mindset. This year […]
Where is Your Focus?
In the past year I have really given myself some space and time to think about what I want for myself. Who do I want to be? What do I want to stand for? Why do I want to lead? What do I want my legacy to be? I know today at 52 (yeah I […]