Are You A Success Addict?
I am vulnerable here and don’t know where to start. I have been listening to an audiobook called From Strength to Strength by Arthur Brooks, and a chapter spoke to me: Being Special vs. Happy and Being a Successful Addict. Yes, this was me. It was big time! I also needed to be kind to […]
COURAGE TO STUFF UP “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”― Albert Einstein Have you ever had a major stuff or failing in your life or career. I have had plenty and I completely stuffed this week (basically a big f*ck up!!!). No-one likes making mistakes, failing or stuffing up. I […]
Heartbreaking Guilt And Why I Am So Anti-Bullying
*please note some of the content in this blog could be confronting and please seek help if this impacts you (see below as this is critical) or reach out to my team at LeadershipHQ. Imagine coming home from work and seeing your child cutting her arms and legs. Imagine calling an ambulance hysterically needing help […]
Are you at a Career Crossroads?
Are you at a Career Crossroads? What went through your mind when first choosing a career? And, where are you now in relation to those initial thoughts and choices? Did it all change? These questions are designed to give you some comfort in knowing that things do change and uncertainty is a part of life […]
Leadership: 5 Things Parenthood Taught Me About
No one is ever really 100% prepared for parenthood especially during COVID. You can read hundreds of books and talk to all the parents you know, but until you experience it for yourself, you’ll never fully know what it’s like. Becoming a parent gives you new experiences and teaches you things that are unique to […]
Adapt, Lead and Connect with your Team for Success
Is your team flying in formation, or heading in unknown directions? Today’s rapidly changing business environment creates high expectations on leaders and teams and any form of misalignment can be disastrous. In military exercises for example, where “live ammunition fire” is used, there is no margin for error as lives could be lost. If you […]
What working from home can teach us about Leadership?
Remote working is a challenge for leadership! As a leader of a remote team, how did you respond in a Zoom call with a team member being interrupted by barking dogs, children somersaulting in the background? Did you reschedule the call, hand over to someone else, or understood, empathised and engaged at a human level […]
Have We Lost Our Ability to Be Courageous and Kind?
Last week I posted a story around experience I had at my local Coles and the lack of leadership and kindness I was seeing from Australians. Then my associate told me at work that someone working at her local Woolworths had spent the day crying and I had experienced something very similar at Woolworths myself. […]
12 Rules of Courage for Success That Drive Growth
I think we have a Courageous Leadership problem. I recently an article Demystifying Courageous Leadership where it talks about how we live in an era of distortion, not disruption or transformation but distortion. Look at how we are reacting and leading through the coronavirus and the toilet paper debacle. We lead today in a world where there […]
Courage and Kindness Movement To Make a Lasting Impact
Can we make a difference by being kind and courageous. We know we can and there is research behind this. The day my 13 year old daughter Abby came home from school in tears because her best friend started bullying her was a day I will never forget. Only a few weeks prior her best […]