Strategies To Confront and Conquer Goal Shame

Have you achieved your Goals? Just sit with this statement for a moment and see what comes up! Possible thoughts could be, I haven’t achieved my goal and I am inadequate and unworthy of the goals I’ve set. Or, I am afraid to share my goals for fear of judgment. It’s important to understand your […]
What working from home can teach us about Leadership?

Remote working is a challenge for leadership! As a leader of a remote team, how did you respond in a Zoom call with a team member being interrupted by barking dogs, children somersaulting in the background? Did you reschedule the call, hand over to someone else, or understood, empathised and engaged at a human level […]
Effective Online Leadership and Learning To Ensure Growth

We do have YOU covered (not with toilet paper mind you!) with our Online Leadership and Learning programs and coaching! We know with so many of you now working remotely and from home, the need to keep yourself and your people engaged, developing and learning is critical. My team and I at McDonald Inc. have […]
Strategies for Dealing with Workplace Jerks

Have you worked with a Jerk? I have! They are real. They are out there. We have worked with them, for them and lead them. For whatever reason provenance has deemed necessary, there will often be that one person in a working environment that no amount of coaching or compassion will breach. These narcissistic jerks […]
Handle Challenging Colleagues with Kindness

Respond To Difficult Colleagues With Kindness and Mindfulness It’s only natural that when you spend the majority of your week at work, the people there will get on your nerves. Whether someone is sexist, sucks up to the boss or whinges about everything, there’s bound to be someone who annoys you. There could even be […]
15 Everyday Acts of Courage: Real-Life Examples of Bravery

15 Everyday Acts of Courage There are so many different types and ways to be courageous. My favourite story is one of a young lady who was battling severe anxiety and depression due to bullying at school. She left school at 14 and spent time in and out of hospital for three years. One evening […]
7 Ways to be a Great Leader

It seems that just about anyone can be given the title of ‘leader’ these days, doesn’t it? But you know what I say about leadership being an attitude, not a title? It’s all too true. Great leaders are not just leaders because of their position, but because of their attitude. These leaders also have other […]
9 Tips for Feeling Less Overwhelmed and Exhausted

9 Tips for Feeling Less Overwhelmed and Exhausted It’s that time of year. My clients are feeling it, my team are counting down the days and I am feeling rather exhausted. No matter what our personal or professional lives involve, feeling overwhelmed and exhausted happens to each and every one of us at many points in […]
7 Laws for Improving Your Quality of Life

The standards you set for yourself are what make up your quality of life. Your expectations of responsibility, love, personal development, happiness and values are what guides you through life, and make it or break it. Do you want to be living the best life you can, or will you waste it by not expecting […]
These 5 Questions will truly help your Personal Growth

Self-reflection is key to personal growth. You won’t ever improve or reach your goals if you don’t look at yourself and your actions in depth. You may not know what to ask yourself, so I’ve put together 5 questions for you to answer. If you’re honest in your answers, you’ll learn a lot about yourself […]