
Powerful Ways To Begin Your Week and Drive Significant Results

Here Are 6 Ways to Start Your Week Off Brilliantly As a leadership coach, one of the main things I work on with leaders is their productivity and mindset particularly during this time. This is a common problem in many organisations and businesses, especially with the added challenges of leading remotely, and virtually. These recent challenges […]

McDonald Inc. Launches The Huddle: Transforming Leadership

We need Kind and Courageous Leadership more today than ever. Many of you might not see yourself as a leader. Remember leadership isn’t a role or title. It’s an attitude, choice and mindset. In turn leadership is an interesting space. Some say you get into a leadership role because you work hard. Maybe it’s because […]

Tips for Employees When Manager Can’t Lead Remotely

What do we do if we are being lead by someone who can’t lead remotely or virtually effectively? They say people leave their managers not their jobs. However, during times like these it is challenging to leave either. We have all worked with bad managers and when we work with a great manager – we […]

Stop Being Selfish: Choose Unity Over Self

Guess what Leaders (and everyone for that matter) – all eyes are on you. Everyone is watching your words, actions and choices. Is this challenging time to be about you or others? Are we all really in this together? Please read this post to the end as I wanted to share some quotes that will […]

How Not to Lose Your Sh*t: Strategies to Stay Calm

I don’t know about you but I think we are losing our sh*t at present. I think an essential (but not desired) part of life is the feeling that you’re completely losing your shit in times like these. I don’t know about you, but I am experiencing that feeling a little more at present as […]

12 Rules of Kindness

Kindness is not a weakness, it is a superpower! You can be strong as a Leader and always be kind. You can be courageous as a Leader and show fear. Leadership isn’t a role or title, it is a choice, attitude and action. Enjoy my 12 Rules of Kindness and practice everyday. 1. Always put […]

5 Things Great Bosses Do Differently to Get the Best From Their People

Last week I delivered a leadership workshop with 30 leaders. Probably a little larger than I would normally work with however the Human Resources Director really wanted as many senior leaders in the room. The day encompassed our key themes around Leadership being an attitude, action and choice, the importance of kindness, courage and inclusiveness […]

Tips on Literally Showing Kindness at Work (Or Anywhere)

“BE KIND WHENEVER POSSIBLE. IT IS ALWAYS POSSIBLE” Dalai Lama Why do we find Kindness so challenging when it is so easy. Are we so wrapped up in our own bubble or world that we forget that we are all connected and leadership is about others? It takes courage to be kind and kindness is […]

Courage and Kindness Movement To Make a Lasting Impact

Can we make a difference by being kind and courageous. We know we can and there is research behind this. The day my 13 year old daughter Abby came home from school in tears because her best friend started bullying her was a day I will never forget. Only a few weeks prior her best […]

15 Everyday Acts of Courage: Real-Life Examples of Bravery

Leadership and Management Courses

15 Everyday Acts of Courage There are so many different types and ways to be courageous. My favourite story is one of a young lady who was battling severe anxiety and depression due to bullying at school. She left school at 14 and spent time in and out of hospital for three years. One evening […]