
Leadership: 5 Things Parenthood Taught Me About

No one is ever really 100% prepared for parenthood especially during COVID. You can read hundreds of books and talk to all the parents you know, but until you experience it for yourself, you’ll never fully know what it’s like. Becoming a parent gives you new experiences and teaches you things that are unique to […]

How to have Courageous Conversations

How to have Courageous Conversations How to have Courageous Conversations. Difficult people do exist at work.  Difficult people come in every variety and no workplace is without them.  How difficult you find that person to deal with depends on your self-esteem, your self-confidence and your professional courage.  Dealing with difficult people is easier when the […]

Great Leadership Teams: The Power of Effective Collaboration

How would you cope as an astronaut in space when you are on the way to the moon and a disaster occurs? This is about the most extreme working situation you can imagine where the collaboration model is being highly stress tested. Current circumstances are certainly testing the collaboration model in many ways of course, […]

Engagement or Intimidation: Is it Safer to be Feared or Loved?

Is it Safer to be Feared or Loved? Have you noticed disconnection within your team and workplace? This becomes evident with increased rumours, high stress levels, signs of a struggling manager, low employee morale, no regular meetings and no clarity on future directions! With increased remote working, this has placed even more emphasis on the […]

Being a Great Leader While Enjoying a Fulfilling Life

Strategies on Being a Great Leader and Living Your Best Life My daughter wakes me up at midnight last night saying she can’t sleep. I know she has a lot on her mind and she is worried about COVID as she has just started university in Melbourne and has come home to me to study […]

Powerful Ways To Begin Your Week and Drive Significant Results

Here Are 6 Ways to Start Your Week Off Brilliantly As a leadership coach, one of the main things I work on with leaders is their productivity and mindset particularly during this time. This is a common problem in many organisations and businesses, especially with the added challenges of leading remotely, and virtually. These recent challenges […]

Stop Being Selfish: Choose Unity Over Self

Guess what Leaders (and everyone for that matter) – all eyes are on you. Everyone is watching your words, actions and choices. Is this challenging time to be about you or others? Are we all really in this together? Please read this post to the end as I wanted to share some quotes that will […]

Courage and Kindness Movement To Make a Lasting Impact

Can we make a difference by being kind and courageous. We know we can and there is research behind this. The day my 13 year old daughter Abby came home from school in tears because her best friend started bullying her was a day I will never forget. Only a few weeks prior her best […]

These 5 Questions will truly help your Personal Growth

Leadership Training Melbourne

Self-reflection is key to personal growth. You won’t ever improve or reach your goals if you don’t look at yourself and your actions in depth. You may not know what to ask yourself, so I’ve put together 5 questions for you to answer. If you’re honest in your answers, you’ll learn a lot about yourself […]

The 10 Things All Top CEO’s Do

leadership course

One of my favourite sayings (as you’ve probably noticed) is ‘Leadership is an Attitude, not a Title’. This rings true for anyone in a leadership role, especially those in the position of CEO. Just having that title isn’t enough to make you an effective and successful CEO – so what does? Here’s a list of […]