Psychology Lessons That Will Change Your Life and Brain

Our brains are one of the most powerful tools we have, but they don’t come with an instruction manual. Over the years, I’ve discovered that understanding how my brain works—and working with it, not against it—has been a game-changer for my confidence, mindset, and overall well-being. Here are 15 lessons I’ve learned that have truly […]
Change the Game and Your Habits in 2024

I know without a doubt in 2024 I want different! Why? Your character is built from your habits and habits are more powerful than we think. Even in our leadership work and my keynotes we share the power of leadership and habits. I know the difference and power of empowering habits and mindset. This year […]
Leadership: Why We Love Play-Doh

Have you ever had a great business idea and you either didn’t start it or, went ahead and it failed? You are not alone! However, there have been many businesses who have struggled, failed, reset themselves and then achieved total success. Business is the heart of the economy and strong leadership is needed to survive […]
The Leadership Injection is needed NOW.

What is your vision for your future? Do you refine this very often? Are you able to deliver outcomes faster, with more impact and more care than ever before? As a leader we need to be aware of current situations, future directions and how we can meet arising challenges which are helpful in leadership injection Take time […]

Have you ever been at the receiving end of bad hiring, either for yourself, someone who joined your team, or your boss? The end result, stress, bad interactions and then you have to start the cycle all over again: very clearly reflected in Einstein’s definition of insanity – “doing the same thing over and over […]
Leadership Skills: Top 10 Skills Needed for 2021

Leadership Skills: Top 10 Skills Needed for 2021 When was the last time you completed a skills check for yourself? And, did you check against your career plan and did this highlight gaps? With the upheaval everyone has faced during the previous 12 months, there are new leadership opportunities available for everyone, if you have […]
Keynote Speaker: 5 Questions to ask Yourself for 2021

My daughter says to me that today is a powerful Astrological day to set your intentions and I must tell the universe what I want. Now whether you are into this sort of stuff or not, I do find it fascinating. Thing is regardless of whether it is a powerful Astrological day or not; Keynote […]
Leadership Assessment time to Assess

How would you assess yourself as a leader? Have you completed a leadership assessment? How do you compare to a recognised leadership assessment capability framework? We don’t know what we don’t know! So, take some time and step aside from your existing role for a moment, and observe the messages that may have been coming […]
Zoom to a dedicated focus on Lead

Zoom in, Zoom out, Connect, Disconnect…….I’m over remote working and training! First option, swipe out! Outcome: career limiting! Second option: Step up and build your lead capability by being totally involved in training and online webinars for lead remotely. You have an opportunity to move into new lead territory and training is a key to […]
Are you at a Career Crossroads?

Are you at a Career Crossroads? What went through your mind when first choosing a career? And, where are you now in relation to those initial thoughts and choices? Did it all change? These questions are designed to give you some comfort in knowing that things do change and uncertainty is a part of life […]