Courage is Valuing Yourself
Valuing those around you – appreciating the things they do for you, the things they say, who they are as a person – is often much easier than valuing yourself. Many of us struggle to appreciate the things that make us great, and the things we have, for fear of coming across as too cocky, […]
Courage to Love My Daughter
Have you ever encountered bullying? Do you know what it feels like to have severe anxiety and depression due to other people’s actions and behaviour? This story is a heart breaking, challenging and important story for me to share. This is one of the reasons why I am on a mission to build courageous and […]
Millennial Leadership Style
As each generation takes up the reigns of senior leadership, they bring with them their own lessons and sensitivities concerning how best to manage not only their employees, but also their customers and companies. These values are based from the unique impressions of the current tone of the generation, and ensure for smooth and beneficial […]