
The Coach Connection: Why Everyone Should Have a Coach

Unlock Your Potential: The Coach’s Secret By far the best investment in my career and business were my coaches. Why? There are so many reasons, however having a trusted advisor who is dedicated to empowering, helping and supporting you to be the best version of you is such a gift and a must have today. […]

Stop Being Selfish: Choose Unity Over Self

Guess what Leaders (and everyone for that matter) – all eyes are on you. Everyone is watching your words, actions and choices. Is this challenging time to be about you or others? Are we all really in this together? Please read this post to the end as I wanted to share some quotes that will […]

12 Rules of Kindness

Kindness is not a weakness, it is a superpower! You can be strong as a Leader and always be kind. You can be courageous as a Leader and show fear. Leadership isn’t a role or title, it is a choice, attitude and action. Enjoy my 12 Rules of Kindness and practice everyday. 1. Always put […]

Courage and Kindness Movement To Make a Lasting Impact

Can we make a difference by being kind and courageous. We know we can and there is research behind this. The day my 13 year old daughter Abby came home from school in tears because her best friend started bullying her was a day I will never forget. Only a few weeks prior her best […]

What I’d Tell My Younger Self about Leadership

educational leadership - Leadership Skills

What I’d Tell My Younger Self about Leadership What would you say to your younger self about Leadership? Becoming a confident and courageous leader is both an attitude and a process. Like many undertakings, developing the ability to lead is one that benefits from experience. In fact, when it comes to gaining the insight that […]

7 Ways to be a Great Leader

keynote speaker

It seems that just about anyone can be given the title of ‘leader’ these days, doesn’t it? But you know what I say about leadership being an attitude, not a title? It’s all too true. Great leaders are not just leaders because of their position, but because of their attitude. These leaders also have other […]

These 5 Questions will truly help your Personal Growth

Leadership Training Melbourne

Self-reflection is key to personal growth. You won’t ever improve or reach your goals if you don’t look at yourself and your actions in depth. You may not know what to ask yourself, so I’ve put together 5 questions for you to answer. If you’re honest in your answers, you’ll learn a lot about yourself […]

The 10 Things All Top CEO’s Do

leadership course

One of my favourite sayings (as you’ve probably noticed) is ‘Leadership is an Attitude, not a Title’. This rings true for anyone in a leadership role, especially those in the position of CEO. Just having that title isn’t enough to make you an effective and successful CEO – so what does? Here’s a list of […]

7 Laws of Self Esteem

Leadership Courses Melbourne

This 7 Laws blog is a little different to my previous ones; I’m going to be focusing on YOU and your self-esteem. Learning to love yourself is crucial to being a great leader, because how can you respect others or truly embrace your own leadership potential without loving who you are and what makes you […]

It’s the Courageous Leader that will build the Strongest Teams

leadership programs sydney - Great Leadership Course

Courageous Leader is a role that many may take on but have not been armed with the proper tools and resources to lead effectively and in a way that gains the results you need. If you are struggling with high staff turnover and a demotivated workforce, perhaps a different approach is required. You are finding […]