Zoom to a dedicated focus on Lead

Zoom in, Zoom out, Connect, Disconnect…….I’m over remote working and training! First option, swipe out! Outcome: career limiting! Second option: Step up and build your lead capability by being totally involved in training and online webinars for lead remotely. You have an opportunity to move into new lead territory and training is a key to […]
Are you at a Career Crossroads?

Are you at a Career Crossroads? What went through your mind when first choosing a career? And, where are you now in relation to those initial thoughts and choices? Did it all change? These questions are designed to give you some comfort in knowing that things do change and uncertainty is a part of life […]
You are leading a difficult team remotely.

Here’s the good news! You’ve just been promoted to a manager role. Congratulations! Now here’s the not so good news. All staff are working remotely and, many of them are difficult! Leading a Difficult team remotely. So, what do you do? Still want the role, or say no thanks and shoot yourself in the foot […]
How to have Courageous Conversations

How to have Courageous Conversations How to have Courageous Conversations. Difficult people do exist at work. Difficult people come in every variety and no workplace is without them. How difficult you find that person to deal with depends on your self-esteem, your self-confidence and your professional courage. Dealing with difficult people is easier when the […]
Great Leadership Teams: The Power of Effective Collaboration

How would you cope as an astronaut in space when you are on the way to the moon and a disaster occurs? This is about the most extreme working situation you can imagine where the collaboration model is being highly stress tested. Current circumstances are certainly testing the collaboration model in many ways of course, […]
The 3 Bs? A Journey from Blind Spots to Business Triumph

The 3 Bs Unveiled: Blind Spots, Behaviour, Business Mastery The 3Bs? You may be wondering, however now that I have kept you in suspense, here it is………………..Blind Spots, Behaviour and Business! So, how do we eliminate blind spots that results in poor behaviour and create successful business outcomes? You may have heard of the story […]
WANTED: LEADERS for a CHANGE in Global Dynamics!

Leaders for a Change: Throughout time, individuals have created change in significant ways, for example Mahatma Gandhi, a leader who brought justice and harmony between people of all faiths. Right now, with the challenges we are facing in Australia and globally with the economy, jobs, sustainability etc., you have an opportunity to make a difference, […]
Adapt, Lead and Connect with your Team for Success

Is your team flying in formation, or heading in unknown directions? Today’s rapidly changing business environment creates high expectations on leaders and teams and any form of misalignment can be disastrous. In military exercises for example, where “live ammunition fire” is used, there is no margin for error as lives could be lost. If you […]
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly A well-remembered phrase! Now, can you separate the good from the ugly in your executive team? Sometimes we all get caught up with the pace and pressures of business and can’t see the wood for the trees, when in fact, if we “paused and sat back from this” […]
Leading Through Team Struggle: Spotting & Managing Signs

Insights: Managing Signs of “Struggle” in Teams It’s R U OK Day. A day we are truly passionate about. People and people in teams create outcomes. Simple as a statement, complex in execution! Do you know how your team is performing and if so, how do you measure it, especially under stress? Do you know […]