How To Deal With A Toxic Female Co-Worker (And Stop Mean Girl Behaviour) – Sonia McDonald

Last week I delivered a free Women in Leadership Masterclass to 200 women across the globe and asked the question – what is some of your biggest challenges? I was shocked (not surprised) about the responses – mainly women not supporting other women! I am so p*ssed of that I still hear these stories. Did […]
51 Life Lessons from a 51 Year Old Woman

This year I turned 51 (ARGH!) and I remember being 21 like yesterday (note to self invest in great eye cream). What have been my greatest life lessons? Who do I want to be? What do I want to stand for with this limited time left in my life (I am still young!)? How can […]
The 10 Habits of Courageous Women – Sonia McDonald

What does it mean to be courageous? For many people, the first thing that comes to mind is someone who has overcome a great tragedy or challenge. While this is undoubtedly one aspect of courage, there are other habits that courageous women exhibit on a daily basis. Courage can mean many different things. It can […]
Breaking Down Bias: A Candid Look at Women’s Challenges in Leadership

Table of Content: The Reality of Being a Woman in Business and Leadership: How Bias Still Exists Why Being A Woman In Leadership Is Tough Different Types Of Bias Women Experience As Leaders Gender Bias Pay Disparities Gender-based discrimination and harassment Unconscious Bias Lack Of Opportunities For Advancement The Glass Ceiling Sexual Harassment Why […]
Have the Courage to be Kind to Yourself

This is one thing I would say to my younger self and I say everyday to my daughter. Be kinder and be more courageous. Do not worry so much about the world as life is so short and living and leading a life of being authentic, kind and courageous is the only life she needs […]
Have You Ever Felt Fear? My Everyday Acts of Courage

Have you ever felt fear? Many leaders pretend they are incredibly controlled, resilient and confident. The perceived ideal image is for them to show that they do not feel fear. Table of Content: Want to know the truth? Everyday Acts of Courage and Leadership Here are my everyday acts of courage and leadership to practice and celebrate: Book Sonia […]
Importance of Kindness at Work

When you think of traditional office culture, there are many things that are given importance above being kind. In fact, kindness isn’t even on the radar a lot of the time. Why do we see kindness as a weakness when it is a superpower. Being competitive, a little arrogant, bullish and other not-so-positive traits are […]
Fear Mastery and Worksheet

At some point in our lives, we will feel and come face-to-face with fear. There’s no running and hiding from it, fear is a normal human emotion that you need to face head on. We shouldn’t be afraid or even embarrassed to talk about the emotion, stress and anxiety that comes with fear. When it […]
You’ve Got Courage, Yes You Do!

You’ve Got Courage, Yes You Do! Courage isn’t the absence of fear, it is the mastery of it (thanks Mark Twain)…we have got courage, yes we do. We are more courageous than we give ourselves credit for however it is time we call into this courage; now! It is no secret that the world is […]
How to Harness the Power of Being a Great Coach

How to Harness the Power of Being a Great Coach The definition of ‘a coach’ or ‘a leader’ is never the same for everyone. Why? Because we see their roles in our everyday lives differently. For some, a coach might mean someone who trains a team of people in a particular sport. Others see coaches […]