Leadership & Menopause

I wasn’t prepared for this—menopause. Recently, I saw my doctor, and I have been feeling irritable and exhausted. I can’t lose weight and have constant brain fog. I can’t sleep either and seem to lose motivation for my work. What is happening, I thought to myself. Then my team dared to tell me they worried […]
The Good Girl Syndrome

This is me (well, this was, and maybe sometimes, it still is)! How about you? The Good Girl. I remember when I was younger and being asked by my parents to stay the “good girl” often. I feared speaking up or taking risks in case I wasn’t a good girl. Today, I embrace the courageous […]
What does Courage and Humankind have to do with IWD?

I can’t sleep. I haven’t slept for a few weeks since being asked to speak at several IWD events this week. Why? I have been reading, researching, and developing my keynote, and I have cried and felt disappointed, downright angry, excited, and hopeful. I can’t stop thinking about it. Then, I changed my focus. Courage. WE […]
How We Can Close The Gap

This week, I delivered a women in leadership program, one of my favourites. Why? Having a group of outstanding women in a room sharing, learning, and growing is beyond humbling. In turn, they all have a voice. The vulnerability and courage I see and hear in the room are remarkable. They are my most transformational programs […]
Women Aren’t Investing In Their Development And It Is Hurting Them

As an executive coach, keynote speaker, and leadership crusader, I deliver scores of leadership workshops, keynotes, and coaching each year, helping women in particular build more success and growth in their careers, leadership and lives. In the sixteen years I have been crusading this space and where I have offered these types of programs, I’ve been genuinely shocked […]
The 10 Habits of Courageous Women – Sonia McDonald

What does it mean to be courageous? For many people, the first thing that comes to mind is someone who has overcome a great tragedy or challenge. While this is undoubtedly one aspect of courage, there are other habits that courageous women exhibit on a daily basis. Courage can mean many different things. It can […]
Leadership Starts Young

I recently spoke at the Meridian State College to student leaders about leadership. I highlighted that leadership is an attitude and we need to empower our youth and future leaders with skills in leadership. The presentation was very well received with lots of interesting questions how student leaders can make a difference every day. As […]
Leadership: Why We Love Play-Doh

Have you ever had a great business idea and you either didn’t start it or, went ahead and it failed? You are not alone! However, there have been many businesses who have struggled, failed, reset themselves and then achieved total success. Business is the heart of the economy and strong leadership is needed to survive […]
The Leadership Injection is needed NOW.

What is your vision for your future? Do you refine this very often? Are you able to deliver outcomes faster, with more impact and more care than ever before? As a leader we need to be aware of current situations, future directions and how we can meet arising challenges which are helpful in leadership injection Take time […]

Have you ever been at the receiving end of bad hiring, either for yourself, someone who joined your team, or your boss? The end result, stress, bad interactions and then you have to start the cycle all over again: very clearly reflected in Einstein’s definition of insanity – “doing the same thing over and over […]