
Unveiling The Value of Kindness in Dealing with Narcissists

The Transformational Power of Kindness What value do you place on kindness? In some workplaces, it can be considered a sign of weakness! Also, considering the range of personality types and behaviours that we come across it can be considered that there is no room for kindness by some, for example within narcissists. This is […]

Strategies To Confront and Conquer Goal Shame

Have you achieved your Goals? Just sit with this statement for a moment and see what comes up! Possible thoughts could be, I haven’t achieved my goal and I am inadequate and unworthy of the goals I’ve set. Or, I am afraid to share my goals for fear of judgment. It’s important to understand your […]

What working from home can teach us about Leadership?

Remote working is a challenge for leadership! As a leader of a remote team, how did you respond in a Zoom call with a team member being interrupted by barking dogs, children somersaulting in the background? Did you reschedule the call, hand over to someone else, or understood, empathised and engaged at a human level […]

Avoid the Top Crisis Leadership Mistake

Leading in Crisis: Steer Clear of This Key Error I’m sure you have had to deal with a crisis at some stage in your life, whether it’s right now, or sometime in the past. A crisis highlights when things aren’t working, then a typical reaction occurs to “just fix it now” and while under pressure, […]

Communication Secrets That Foster Trust and Teamwork

Remote team working is here to stay! And, a number of challenges exist in remote team management such as interruption to work/home life, loneliness and technology glitches, however one of the biggest challenges is ensuring you have effective communications. To overcome this, new ways of working must be established through trust and shared commitment supported […]

The Coach Connection: Why Everyone Should Have a Coach

Unlock Your Potential: The Coach’s Secret By far the best investment in my career and business were my coaches. Why? There are so many reasons, however having a trusted advisor who is dedicated to empowering, helping and supporting you to be the best version of you is such a gift and a must have today. […]

Conquer Imposter Syndrome and Stop Faking It

“People think that successful people don’t feel like frauds. The opposite is more likely to be true.” —MIKE CANNON-BROOKES, CEO OF ATLASSIAN This is from my book Just Rock It! I wrote this book for my teenage daughter and everyone else out there is needs a little courage and kindness to see their inner greatness. […]

Rule #1 Leadership isn’t Easy

Rule #1 Leadership isn’t Easy Being a leader is so much harder than it looks. It’s not easy however it’s definitely worth it. This is why I am today so passionate about advising entrepreneurs, SME’s and leaders. I didn’t realise how important leadership was until I started working in a space where I was teaching […]

The Appreciation Factor: What Great Bosses Do

How Great Bosses Show Appreciation Last week I posted an article around Horrible Bosses, “People don’t leave bad jobs. They leave bad bosses.” More often than not, it’s not because they are underpaid, rather it’s because they feel undervalued and unappreciated. Once I was coaching someone and he said to me, “they get paid so […]

Being a Great Leader While Enjoying a Fulfilling Life

Strategies on Being a Great Leader and Living Your Best Life My daughter wakes me up at midnight last night saying she can’t sleep. I know she has a lot on her mind and she is worried about COVID as she has just started university in Melbourne and has come home to me to study […]