Why Leadership Change Matters and Research to back this!
Why Leadership Change Matters and Research to back this! One of my favourite songs by Black Eyes Peas is GET READY! Are you ready for this – Leadership change Matters…and research backs it! The starting point to any change process is you and how you view yourself as a leader! Once you reflect on where […]
Why Leadership Change NOWDAYS
Why Leadership Must Change NOW This is NOT a dress rehearsal. We are all at a Cross Road, with the economy slowing, productivity sluggish, employment growth and consumer confidence faltering. Many economists are now predicting an extended period of slow economic growth and recovery. And, to top it off “there are significant gaps and weaknesses […]
What was one Big Skill Gap for Leaders in 2020?
What was one Big Skill Gap for Leaders in 2020? Communication. Is this a gap for Leaders today? We think so and it was apparent during 2020. Great news – Communication is a skill that can be learnt. How do you communicate? And, do you know the preferred communication style of the people you’re communicating […]
Zoom to a dedicated focus on Lead
Zoom in, Zoom out, Connect, Disconnect…….I’m over remote working and training! First option, swipe out! Outcome: career limiting! Second option: Step up and build your lead capability by being totally involved in training and online webinars for lead remotely. You have an opportunity to move into new lead territory and training is a key to […]
Are you at a Career Crossroads?
Are you at a Career Crossroads? What went through your mind when first choosing a career? And, where are you now in relation to those initial thoughts and choices? Did it all change? These questions are designed to give you some comfort in knowing that things do change and uncertainty is a part of life […]
You are leading a difficult team remotely.
Here’s the good news! You’ve just been promoted to a manager role. Congratulations! Now here’s the not so good news. All staff are working remotely and, many of them are difficult! Leading a Difficult team remotely. So, what do you do? Still want the role, or say no thanks and shoot yourself in the foot […]
Best leaders: What Drives You?
Who is freakin exhausted? I know many of us are feeling a little shattered by 2020 (I am!) and I wanted to share some great insights into how to stay driven and focused. The best leaders and managers influence drive (and don’t forget courage and kindness)! I am focusing on the below BIG TIME for […]
15 Everyday Acts of Courage: Real-Life Examples of Bravery
15 Everyday Acts of Courage There are so many different types and ways to be courageous. My favourite story is one of a young lady who was battling severe anxiety and depression due to bullying at school. She left school at 14 and spent time in and out of hospital for three years. One evening […]
9 Tips for Feeling Less Overwhelmed and Exhausted
9 Tips for Feeling Less Overwhelmed and Exhausted It’s that time of year. My clients are feeling it, my team are counting down the days and I am feeling rather exhausted. No matter what our personal or professional lives involve, feeling overwhelmed and exhausted happens to each and every one of us at many points in […]