Engagement or Intimidation: Is it Safer to be Feared or Loved?

Is it Safer to be Feared or Loved? Have you noticed disconnection within your team and workplace? This becomes evident with increased rumours, high stress levels, signs of a struggling manager, low employee morale, no regular meetings and no clarity on future directions! With increased remote working, this has placed even more emphasis on the […]
What working from home can teach us about Leadership?

Remote working is a challenge for leadership! As a leader of a remote team, how did you respond in a Zoom call with a team member being interrupted by barking dogs, children somersaulting in the background? Did you reschedule the call, hand over to someone else, or understood, empathised and engaged at a human level […]
Avoid the Top Crisis Leadership Mistake

Leading in Crisis: Steer Clear of This Key Error I’m sure you have had to deal with a crisis at some stage in your life, whether it’s right now, or sometime in the past. A crisis highlights when things aren’t working, then a typical reaction occurs to “just fix it now” and while under pressure, […]
Communication Secrets That Foster Trust and Teamwork

Remote team working is here to stay! And, a number of challenges exist in remote team management such as interruption to work/home life, loneliness and technology glitches, however one of the biggest challenges is ensuring you have effective communications. To overcome this, new ways of working must be established through trust and shared commitment supported […]
Great Checklist for the Managers of Remote Workers

Remote working (such as working from home) was already becoming a welcome trend in the workforce, but now it has become a necessity where possible. While some workers have already been working this way and are used to it, the current pandemic adds a new layer of uncertainty to even the most seasoned remote workers. […]
Weekly Insights on Building Kinder and Braver Leadership

Weekly Leadership Insights Is it now week 4 of our new norm? This week I finally got myself into some sort of routine after the shock and yes grief of what has happened in the past few weeks. It took longer than I thought to adjust to the self-isolation and social distancing plus all the […]
Self-Isolation Checklist: Keep Your Mind and Body Healthy

Checklist To Keep Your Mind and Body Healthy During Lockdown A checklist to keep you mentally and physically fit during the COVID-19 lockdown Every state and territory in Australia are under lockdown to help slow the spread of the Coronavirus. This is an incredibly challenging time for everyone; the conditions we’re facing are practically unheard […]
Powerful Ways To Begin Your Week and Drive Significant Results

Here Are 6 Ways to Start Your Week Off Brilliantly As a leadership coach, one of the main things I work on with leaders is their productivity and mindset particularly during this time. This is a common problem in many organisations and businesses, especially with the added challenges of leading remotely, and virtually. These recent challenges […]
Bushfires’ Acts of Kindness and Challenge of Coronavirus Greed

From Bushfires Generosity to Coronavirus Greed Why Kind and Courageous Leadership is Critical Now is the time to show leadership and be leaders, especially in the face of coronavirus greed. When bushfires ravaged our eastern states, it seemed like the whole of Australia came together to support those who’d suffered. Fundraisers, including Celeste Barber’s which […]
McDonald Inc. Launches The Huddle: Transforming Leadership

We need Kind and Courageous Leadership more today than ever. Many of you might not see yourself as a leader. Remember leadership isn’t a role or title. It’s an attitude, choice and mindset. In turn leadership is an interesting space. Some say you get into a leadership role because you work hard. Maybe it’s because […]