Tips on Literally Showing Kindness at Work (Or Anywhere)

“BE KIND WHENEVER POSSIBLE. IT IS ALWAYS POSSIBLE” Dalai Lama Why do we find Kindness so challenging when it is so easy. Are we so wrapped up in our own bubble or world that we forget that we are all connected and leadership is about others? It takes courage to be kind and kindness is […]
Courage and Kindness Movement To Make a Lasting Impact

Can we make a difference by being kind and courageous. We know we can and there is research behind this. The day my 13 year old daughter Abby came home from school in tears because her best friend started bullying her was a day I will never forget. Only a few weeks prior her best […]
Leading Our Children with Kindness and Courage

How to be a great leader for yourself and your family You might be wondering what being a parent has to do with being a leader – after all, leaders are usually talked about in a business or civil/social setting, aren’t they? But if you think about it, what we should strive to do as […]
Recruiting with your whole brain…

In any business, you are only as good as your team, so recruiting staff is one of the most important activities and requires time, research and diligence. One of the common recruiting mistakes is hiring in your own image, or ‘mirror hiring’. It’s human nature to be drawn to people who we feel familiar and […]