Courage is Valuing Yourself

Valuing those around you – appreciating the things they do for you, the things they say, who they are as a person – is often much easier than valuing yourself. Many of us struggle to appreciate the things that make us great, and the things we have, for fear of coming across as too cocky, […]
Courage to Love My Daughter

Have you ever encountered bullying? Do you know what it feels like to have severe anxiety and depression due to other people’s actions and behaviour? This story is a heart breaking, challenging and important story for me to share. This is one of the reasons why I am on a mission to build courageous and […]
Thoughts on Bill Shorten’s Speech and his Leadership?

While facing any loss isn’t pleasant, when you’re a courageous leader you have to remember that how you react is important, because everyone who follows you is looking to you for guidance during the tough times. An example of what not to do as a leader facing defeat is the speech Bill Shorten (former opposition […]
We’re All in This Together

Yesterday I was the Keynote Speaker for one of my favorite keynotes and workshops around Leadership Attitude. Even though the theme was Balance for Better, I focused for Balance is Better for all of us; together regardless on race, gender, age and so forth and to appreciate the uniqueness and talents of us all. Leadership […]
The 7 Laws of Leadership

I have put together these laws (when I say ‘laws’, I mean more like guidelines) for any leader who is looking for some direction – however, these are also great for making the most of life in general. I will expand on each one to explain why I believe they’re so important, and what they […]
Can You Afford the High Cost of Poor Leadership?

Many of us have seen poor leadership in action – those bosses that drive away your colleagues and new hires in droves, possibly even forcing you to quit as well. You’re left wondering why the management hasn’t changed, even in the face of such poor employee retention. When leadership in a company is poor, millions […]
Bullying in the Workplace – Why is it Still so Common?

The standard you walk past, is the standard you accept. I am incredibly passionate about anti-bullying and stopping poor leadership. Imagine if it was your son, daughter or someone you loved that was being bullied at work. It is unacceptable and it is up to us to combat it. You’ve probably heard on the news […]
5 Habits of Bad Leaders + Infographic + Free Plan

Is Bad Leaders impacting you, your team and your business? Almost all of us have worked under a leader who, to put it simply, wasn’t very good at leading. When you’re dealing with a leader like this, what are the effects of their bad leadership on their team and organization? Poor leadership ultimately impacts the […]
The Best Leaders Put Others First

Within some corporate structures, the leader is at the top of the pyramid, on higher rung than others, without peer. The financial bottom line can make these structures appear successful and model-worthy at first, but their profit is gained at the expense of the well being of everyone else who makes up the organisation. Typically, […]
Sweat the Small Stuff in 2016

Women still occupy less than 16% of all board level positions, even though the need for greater gender balance is garnering a lot of attention these days. While setting benchmarks and other goals and developing strategies to recruit more women into the leadership pipeline is a welcome start, if we truly want to increase gender […]