The Leadership Program is ideal for…
- Those wanting to take the next step up the career ladder.
- Leaders wanting to learn exceptional skills, tools and capabilities in leadership.
- Those currently leading teams that want to improve, inspire and deliver great outcomes and the ability to lead remotely with great effectiveness.
- Small business owners wanting to learn how to lead their team to success.
- Managers struggling with the stress and overwhelm that comes with the day to day management of staff.
- You, if you want to learn more about yourself, lead others with kindness and courage and create an impact in your organisation.
Benefits & Outcomes
- Receive step-by-step training on how to authentically step into a leadership role and create positive impact on your team and organisation.
- Replace the overwhelm with clarity and direction in your leadership.
- Learn simple and effective ways to lead people and performance.
- Gain the skills to develop, empower and lead a team.
- Apply immediately and take away a box full of tools and resources to assist you in your leadership.
- Put into action great techniques and skills to lead team and people effectively.
- Why Leadership
Learn how to become an authentic leader who can motivate, influence and inspire others to do more and achieve success. Discover your Leadership style, learn how to create a plan and stay on course, no matter how difficult the challenges you face. - Transitioning to Leadership
This module focuses on transitioning into leadership and your leadership profile. Learn how to practice self discipline, become courageous and build lasting relationships. - Values, Beliefs and Vision as a Leader
You will understand how leading by your values enables you to make good decisions and, more importantly, allows others to know who you are as a leader. In this module, the exercises start with identifying your Leadership values. By the end of the module, you will have a clear sense of your leadership values, beliefs and vision to map out a leadership journey for action and goals. - Appreciating your Real Strengths
This module focuses on taking stock of where you are today and considers your strengths and challenges. This assessment or reflection will allow you to build a learning and development plan. You will start by looking at who you are today, then catalogue your strengths as seen by yourself and others - the qualities you can build on to become more authentic. You may also identify potential weaknesses, challenges, and gaps that you may need to address. - Building your Awareness
This module is aimed at providing the tools to build your self - awareness and emotional intelligence to help you know when something is authentic for you and when it is not. From this knowledge, you can build your skills for increasing your self - awareness as a leader and with it, the capacity to accept and regulate yourself. - The Motivated Leader
In this module, you will explore your motivations for leadership and examine your intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Change and growth happen when we have focus, attention, will power and intent. Motivation and intent are needed for you to truly grow, learn and become the leader you want to be. - Focus on your Tribe
In this module, you will examine how you can build your tribe to help you along your leadership journey, especially when you are facing great difficulties and challenges. You will also discover the benefits of having a mentor, developing genuine relationships and creating a professional network. - Balancing your Life
For leaders, living a balanced life enables them to be more authentic in leading. It also helps them lead healthy lives and develop healthy and happier teams and organisations. These leaders can make more thoughtful and meaningful decisions and lead more authentically. Their employees are more committed to the organisation, motivated and engaged, and ultimately achieve better results. This module will allow you to learn the strategies for measuring success in your life, integrating your life and managing stress for a more balanced life. - Developing and Aligning your Team
Leadership is about others. You are only as strong as your team. To achieve maximum productivity and efficiency within the workplace, the importance of creating team culture in the workplace is critical. It requires leadership skills that are not traditionally held by managers. In this module, discover the role of a team leader, and how to build a high-performance team. - Communicating as a Great Leader
This module is aimed at providing the tools to build your communication skills as a leader. From this knowledge, you can construct your own tool kit to have critical conversations with challenging behaviours, giving and receiving feedback, conducting meaningful meetings and giving presentations to be at the top of your game. - Empowering Others to Lead
Learn how to cultivate a climate in which others are empowered to lead and to assume responsibility for achieving the organisation’s goals and objectives. Discover the barriers to empowerment, and the approach you should take to overcome these. - The Leader as a Change Agent
In this world of rapid change and discontinuities, a leader must be out in front to encourage change, growth and to show the way. In this module, learn the two important requirements for bringing about change: knowing the technical needs of the change, and understanding the attitude and motivational demands for bringing about the change. - The Leader as a Coach and Mentor
This module focuses on coaching as an active and emotionally smart method for leaders who want to develop the capacity of others and boost bottom - line business results. Forward - thinking leaders know there’s a direct link between letting go of direction and control and taking a coaching approach to leadership to motivate, inspire and create dynamic, performance - based learning cultures where individuals and teams continually improve. - Leadership Models and Frameworks
The goal of this module is to help you identify your preferred leadership style - the one that feels most natural and authentic to you - as well as identify leadership styles that you already use or may want to develop for the future. When you understand your leadership style, you can optimise your leadership authenticity and more successfully use your power. - Neuroscience of Leadership
Understand how the brain operates and develop techniques to harness its power. Discover the new emotional intelligence and how to become socially smart to help you develop the leadership skills to manage challenging situations and effectively handle the unexpected. - Leadership Tools
This Module includes a range of continuous quality improvement tools and are provided to support you as leader, and your organisation to enhance existing projects, improve your leadership process and foster a collaborative work environment. - Leadership Action Plan
In this module we create your Leadership Action Plan. You are now ready to put all the knowledge you have gained through this program into action!