
Reconnect with Your Leadership

Spring is here, and it’s a time for new beginnings, symbolic opportunities and fresh approaches. It’s the perfect time to do some leadership ‘spring cleaning’ and get rid of any ideas or beliefs that have become outdated or are not serving you well. If you are feeling a little lost on your leadership journey or […]

Why You Need to Have the Courage to be Kind to Yourself

We only have one life and we are more amazing than we give ourselves credit for. Why are we not being kind to ourselves? Valuing those around you – appreciating the things they do for you, the things they say, who they are as a person – is often much easier than valuing yourself. Many […]

Bravery VS Courage: 6 Types Of Courage To Know

Leadership is about the courage to inspire others to be more, do more, learn more and dream more. Leadership is about legacy. My mission is to inspire as many people across the globe to have more courage in leadership roles and lives. Have you ever wanted to be courageous? You may think that only some […]

Standing on the Edge of the Great Glass Cliff

When I was forging my career in the 1990s, I often heard the term glass ceiling used to describe the unfortunate phenomena that seemed to be stopping women from making it to the top. The term glass ceiling was first used in the 1980s. It became a powerful symbolic idea that explained the invisible barrier that held […]

How to Practise Self-Kindness and Love Yourself For Real


Is time passing by quickly? How do you spend your time? Is your time spent with self-kindness and love or beating yourself up? How-to-love-yourself advice is everywhere these days. Step into your favourite local gift shop, and you’ll likely find self-love candles topped with rose quartz, affirmation card decks, and pillows embossed with Tony Robbins […]