There is strength in kindness and leading with kindness should be the way of life when it comes to being a leader or even a human being. I’m a firm believer in the fact that we need more kindness in the world. Kinder people and kinder leaders make for a kinder world to live and work in. Because what we don’t always realise is that people remember every kind of act you do and every kind word you speak. As well as the bad.
It has always been my mantra to be a brave and kind leader so that I can empower other brave and kind leaders around me and across the world. It’s disappointing to me when some people view kindness as being a weak trait when it comes to leadership qualities. But kindness doesn’t mean you have to be a doormat and let people walk all over you.
I have seen for myself what kindness can do for great leaders and those who look up to those leaders. Being kind makes for happier and more productive employees, and it’s a known fact that kindness also makes us feel happier. Now, more than ever, kind leaders are vitally needed in the workplace. I see kindness as a strength for leaders. Kind leaders are self-aware, compassionate, generous, patient, empathetic, grateful, authentic, and decent. These are the kinds of leaders who stand out, the ones who are always kind to colleagues and employees, who promote growth and empower others to be the best they can be. Sometimes a kind word and an ear can go a long way towards making a colleague or employee’s day even better.
As well as promoting a positive workplace, being a kind leader can stop some people from creating a toxic work environment. Everyone is different and unfortunately, some workplaces can have issues with employees being harassed, bullied, or blame other people for their mistakes. However, by leading with kindness you can help those who may be feeling down as a result of bullying to feel better about themselves and the work they do, as well as cause other employees to reevaluate their behavior and maybe stop toxic behaviors.
It’s a known fact that kind leaders get better results because when employees are working for a leader who empowers and motivates them, they want to be more productive, they take more care when it comes to their work, they provide positive feedback, and they are kind to other employees, coworkers, and colleagues. You will also make the organisation more appealing to job seekers looking to start their career under a kind and courageous leader, as well as retain current employees and stop that pool of talent from going elsewhere or to your competitor for work.
So how can you lead with kindness? By being aware of how you treat others. When was the last time you thanked an employee or coworker? When was the last time you told someone “Well Done” or “Great Job”? You can even start a conversation about kindness with your team and see what the feedback is like, which will give you an insight into how you can improve or become kinder. We can always be a little kinder to other people. Whether it’s the person in the office next to yours who is always a little standoffish until they have their morning coffee or the young lady at the café down the street who preps your lunch for you. Kindness makes the world go around and when you are kind to someone, the chances are they will be kind to the next person they encounter, which creates a ripple effect.
Here are my seven laws for being a kind leader:
- Kindly be Present – The best gift you can give yourself and others is to be truly there.
- Kindly be Compassionate – Be kind to yourself first and foremost and compassionate to others.
- Kindly show you Care – People want to be cared about and by showing you care about others at work and in the community makes a difference.
- Kindly show Gratitude – Always saying thank you to everyone who did something that you are grateful for whether it’s your team for doing great work or cafe worker making your coffee.
- Kindly help Others – If you someone is struggling or needs support of guidance, offer your help.
- Kindly show Respect – Accept everyone for who they are no matter what and respect them as human beings.
- Kindly be Kind – Ralph Waldo Emerson may have said it best. “You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.”
So, let’s be kinder leaders because being a kinder leader will pave the way to more kinder leaders. Let’s continue to encourage and cheer on this generation, the next generation of kind leaders and start a kindness trend that never stops rolling.
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