
How Pride Boosts Results

Leader’s Mindset

When you look back on your life, have you ever wondered why you easily excelled at some tasks, but not others? The answer often lies in how much pride you felt in your work. For most of us, the tasks that we perform well tend to be the tasks where we tried very hard to […]

How Good Leaders Keep You Safe

Do your team members trust you to look after their interest? Do they feel safe within your organization? Do your teams work for you just because of their pay, or do they work for you because they believe in your vision? If your teams don’t feel safe to try new things and give you their […]

How Good Is Your Focus?

LeadershipHQ - Confident Leader - Leadership Attitude

Getting a business off the ground needs laser focus; and once you get it up and running, the focus needs to continue. It is easy, however, to get lost in the sum of all parts and lose the focus as you try to maintain your balance and concentration. You may have heard Steve Jobs connected […]

How business is changing in the modern world

The way business works in the modern world is constantly changing, innovating and adapting, and not just because of technology and all the opportunities that brings, although this has been a key driver that has impacted all areas. If you consider a business or organisation of the 50’s or 60’s for example, versus one now, […]

Are You Frustrated with Leadership Development?

Do you think we have too many leaders on this planet? I think no. Lately, we have been bombarded with questions and discussions around leadership and what is happening in the banking industry and the Royal Commission. Yes, it comes down to leadership, however, there is a lot to think about when it comes to […]

Holistic Leadership

leadership training course

What is it about Leadership in the 21st century? I rarely hear the term management, even though it is as equally important and you can’t ignore the fact that the two work together to form a whole approach. As John Kotter once stated, “Leadership and Management are…two distinctive and complementary systems of action”. However, this […]

Groups on Linkedin

Okay, okay, I am a huge fan of Linkedin and some would say a bit of a super user. I even train professionals nationally on how to get the best out of Linkedin. If you want some tips – check out my blog on 20 ways to use Linkedin. I have attached a great little […]

Going For It! Bring me Richard Branson

If you follow me on Twitter @leadershipHQ1, and I hope you do, you would have seen my 20 week campaign to attract the legendary Richard Branson to mentor me. I’ve even created my own hashtag #RBMM. If you don’t ask and you don’t get. And with great reward comes great risk. What I’m trying to say […]

Get on Board the Crowdfunding Campaign!

At LeadershipHQ we believe that great leaders make great companies. That’s the belief that underpins everything we do and it’s our mission to help create as many great leaders as we can. Great leaders are the people we want to work for. They inspire us and motivate us to work harder. These are the people […]

Driving Real Gender Equality and Inclusiveness in the Workforce

Women make up 45.9% of the Australian workforce according to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency but do they have the same representation across all levels of management? The answer to that is quite obviously no, and for some companies this just isn’t good enough. Gender equality is more than a tokenistic attitude towards the role of women […]