Who Helped Me?

I decided to have a Thai massage and whilst lying there, reflecting on the past and getting a sense of real relaxation, I heard the lovely Thai woman say to me that I am really tight in my back, to which I just smile and say I know. We all get so busy and caught […]
5 Exciting Discoveries About Our Brains (plus eBook)

Day after day, neuroscientists make amazing new discoveries about our brains that can help us learn more about the way we function and how to become happier, more efficient and more productive. At LeadershipHQ we know how important it is to understand the way our brains function in order to get better results, to maximise […]
We Lead Our World

I remember taking a leap of faith in myself and focusing on my passion, purpose – and what made me different! I owned that difference to start LeadershipHQ. It took courage, passion, determination and guts to do this. To not try and compete or be like anyone else. To be just me. Just different. And […]
Appreciative Inquiry

If you are looking for a OD process that makes a difference, have a look at Appreciative. I attended the AHRI Leadership Conference and the HR Team at Brisbane Treasury Casino implemented this process and had fantastic results! Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is an organizational development process or philosophy that engages individuals within an organizational system […]
Are you a FAKE leader?

Are you a successful leader but sometimes feel like it was a stroke of luck instead of hard work that made it happen? Do you think you give the impression of being more competent than you really are, or when you receive a promotion or an award, you struggle to accept it until you see […]
When Teams Work Best

Teams are everywhere in business and industry, and in government, schools, hospitals and professional associations — indeed, almost everywhere where people gather to get things done. But some teams work better than others. What does it take to make teams work effectively? To answer that question, more than 6,000 team members in a variety of […]
Building Tomorrow’s Workforce – Supply Chain & Logistics Conference 2012

The opportunity to work with inspiring leaders is rare, but I had the opportunity to sit on a fantastic panel of industry leaders at the Supply Chain & Logistics Conference in Brisbane. What a panel with Hayley Gibbs from Transpacific industries group, Greg Muscat from DP World, Bree Pitcher from Stanwell Corporation, Paul Kahlert from All […]
Building a Female Eco-System in Leadership

To have the best shot at lasting success, it is important that women in business don’t remain on the surface of the business world. Business women need to weave themselves into an eco-system where they can offer and receive professional support. The ‘boys club’ might not seem as exclusive as it once was, but the […]
Gender Diversity – Why We Need Men Involved

Although things are slowly starting to change, women are still not represented in any great numbers in management and leadership positions. The top roles are still dominated by men. Despite evidence showing that gender balanced organisations are more successful, change isn’t happening as quickly as it should. One of the reasons for the slow change […]
Keep your brain in good shape

When it comes to our daily or weekly workout, we often discount our brains as part of the program. We may focus on fitness or fat loss, and stretching and strengthening various body parts without considering the grey matter inside our skulls as requiring that level of attention. Our brains, like other organs and tissue […]